Tailgate Therapy by B-o-b

There is almost no better place to sit, chit and chat than on the tailgate of your friend’s pick-up truck setting beside a warm fire next to a creek and a crack. There is a slight chill in the air, the mood is mellow and the atmosphere is light, bright and inviting. You are far from home, but it reminds you of home and you are completely present, prepped and pliable to the possible and potential opportunities for greater engagement in this life of complete rejuvenation, regeneration and rehabilitation.

It was my current, constable’d and bit-corny of a physical therapy patient by the name of Robert who put the notion in my mind, when he told me about his experience with a previous physical therapist who had worked with him after having had both of his knees replaced. “Larry, what he instructed me do after I had my knees re-done was to sit on the tailgate of my pick-up truck and swing my legs like this.” He mimicked the motion of kicking and bending his knees back while sitting on his chair in the Therapy gym; Mr. Robert went on to say to me, “you know what, that was the best thing that I could have done because it worked so well and my knees got better; they limbered-up and I started to walk and move more freely again. Right then and there I knew that Mr. Robert had just coined a brand-new phrase for exercising and rehabilitation of the whole person, “Tailgate Therapy by B-o-b!!”

The tailgate of this Life of ours is a warm and welcoming place to meet, greet and get better in our minds, in our souls, in our spirits and in our bodies. Please join me on this lowered tailgate and let us get to working on getting better in ways more than one: Health, Healing, Hope, Humor and Range of Motion (ROM) of the joints, body, mind, spirit and soul. That is now known as the “CPR” of restoration, “Complete Program of Rehabilitation,” where the whole person is treated, not just the malady Thank-you and see you again soon, “bye B-o-b!!”


Merge or Purge


“B-o-b” Your friend and mine