What is BFFL?
Bird Food for Life (BFFL) is a kind, generous, colorful and collated collection of little stories in book form aimed at: Health, Healing, Hope, Humor, Happy, Harmony, and Hallelujah. It is simply one man’s reflection on Life in Life, for a bigger, better, brighter, lighter and more bountiful future together forever.
Bird Food for Life (BFFL) began as a Dietary consideration as I observed and engaged in the Life and times in and around Lake Havasu City, Arizona, some time ago. BFFL sets forth the notion that Life is full of choices; choices in what we do, who we talk to, what we watch on tv, the internet, movie theatres, and what and how much food and drinks we consume on a daily basis. The key is to eat only what we like from the smorgasbord of Life; pick and choose what we please and savor the flavor of each and every bite. Life is meant to be lived, so while we are alive let us live to our fullest; one bite at a time, one step at a time, and one relationship, at a time. BFFL has now grown into the little-stories that we tell each other; you could tell me a story to feed my Life, and I could tell you a story to feed your Life. Bird Food for Life is for everybody!!
Life is a gift that has been given to us freely and by no measure of our own; it is simpler than it seems to be and only requires air, food, water, shelter, and clothing: but is often complicated by the the environment, desires, and actions that are found within the grasp of our own hands. This is the source, the manner, and the means of the “BaFFLe,” that is shared-for and cared-for here in these little stories. BFFL exemplifies Life and how it can be engaged-in through a little, lighter, brighter, more beautiful perspective and participation in this present and precious little-Life of ours. A Life lived in a more-meaningful and more-neighborly way leads to a grander and more glorious participation and experience. This is the way of the BFFL.
Learning to love, to care and to share with those in our midst through the good times and the bad; to include the problems, pitfalls, and proclamations of this present-day world, provides the air that we breathe, the wind beneath our wings, the water in our streams and the gentle breeze alongside to blow all our problems away.
About Larry Ray Plant, PT
Is the Author, Originator, Instigator, and “Initial-Bird-Food-Believer.” He is grateful for his Life and the opportunities available to him in this “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.” He has discovered a new lease on Life through meeting, greeting, and getting “engaged” with many beautiful people along this pathway of Life.