“B-o-b” Your friend and mine
Bob: is the neighbor who lives just up the road from you; you don’t know him well, but you would like to get to know him better and maybe even have him over for a bite, a beer, a chit-chat or even to have dinner with you and your lovely wife. He seems like a nice man, he wears clothes that are different from yours, he wears an odd shaped hat, he has long hair and a lot of color up and down his arms and around his neck, but there is something special about Bob that is intriguing to you. Bob, it seems is ever-present, he is here for a moment and then he is not, only to return again and again. Bob lets you know when someone is hungry, when a need is not being met and there is action beneath the water; he perks your interest, captures your attention and heightens your reaction. Bob’s job is not done until you finally reel in your line, gut the fish, pack them in ice, pack-up your creel and head for home. Bob is simply a bobber, no more and no less. “Ohh. Hi!! I’m back!!”