“I’m Right, You’re Right, We’re All RIGHT!!”

Like a cry in the night, nobody wants to be wrong; we all want to be Right!! If it weren’t so, we would not be human beings. As living, breathing, and engaging beings, we have a strong desire to Live and to be Loved. By defending our position on any number of matters, we are attempting to garner respect, acknowledgement, unity, and support, for our point of view. So, it is a natural inclination to believe that our opinions, our perspectives, and our beliefs, are the right ones; to believe otherwise, would be an act of confession, confusion, and repudiation, of an earlier and erroneous mindset; we would have to admit that we were either: wrong, misled, or duped, into believing something that was not even True!!

The ego gets involved when we are talking about personal matters like Truth, justice, religion, politics, and humanity; the things that go down deep to our very core. Today, it seems, everybody has their own Truth when it comes to matters of utmost importance; but how can that be true; how can two opposing points of view both be correct?? Some people call that situational truth, circumstantial evidence, or liberal thought. “In my world-view it is ok to maim, steal, and destroy the property and person-hood of another person; as long as I perceive them to be of a different persuasion than myself.” But that almost always and only ends up leading to one end: unease, conflict, stress, chaos, fighting, bomb-throwing, war, or more!!

America and her constitutional republic were born out of conflict, politics, war, destruction, and the up-rising of a brand-new way of Life; for the first time in the history of mankind, it was the people: of, by, and for, that took control over their own lives, choices, taxes, society, and future destiny. No longer were the people, so endowed, subjected to the whims, wiles, and ways, of a distant king who was more interested in his own affairs than those of whom he wished to control. A Hallmark of American Life is being RIGHT!! Here in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, almost everyone wants to be Right; even those who choose to live on the Left-side of the political spectrum. Every day, whether they admit it or not, they are Right!! Henry Ford even designed his car with the driver on the Left, so that passengers could exit on the Right-side and onto the curb; and we all drive our cars on the Right!!

Great Britain, our “Mother Country,” continues to believe in driving on the left-side of the road, but it is Right-handed travel that predominated in Colonial America from the time of our first settlements; this was born out of common sense, necessity, and a desire to be RIGHT!! See, oxen-teams, horseback riders, handlers of lead horses, and even pedestrians, all traveled on the RIGHT; it was done that way on purpose and for good reason; even travelers with handguns carried their weapons in the hollow of their left arms and traveled on the Right-side of the road; which was the best way to be ready for oncoming adversaries. Today, we still travel on the Right, we write from left to Right, the sun rises on the Right, we like to be Right, we work hard to be Right, it’s better to be Right than wrong, and Ecclesiastes 10:1 says that the wise incline to the Right!! So, even if we vote left, think left, look left, blink left, turn left, and are the last one standing on the Left, we are still predominantly Right!! Right?? See’                                        

“Watson, that’s a flower!!”              “RIGHT!!”             

