Bird Food for Life Proof Copy Has Arrived!!

Here is an excerpt from my soon to be published book!

Chapter #4 Humor

Cuckoo bird- These little grayish-brown cosmopolitan birds of European descent are found all over the world, but only in a handful of stateside locations to include Arizona, California, Colorado, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah. They are cunning masters of misdirection and are considered to be a parasitic bird because of their natural tendency to lay their eggs in other birds’ nests, thereby tricking their neighbors into raising their young. Koo koo.

HUMOR happens at the intersection of nature, life, longing, twists, turns, torrents, trash, tears, corn, cubs, tubs, tacks, Jacks, film, radio, acts, facts, Pryors, back, future, Jerry, John, Jill, pill, pickles, Rickles, Hope, Burns, pomp, and circumstance.

This is “The Day of Days,” it is the time and the place to reach out in love and in Life.


“Bird Food for Life” book launch Party!!


Merge or Purge